Parker-Planet TAP 69-kV Transmission Line Rebuild, Up-Grade & Right-of-Way Action


Western Area Power Administration
 Parker, AZ


AZTEC led the preparation of an environmental assessment (EA) in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Parker-Planet Tap Project involved the upgrade for 7.1 miles of an existing 69-kV Transmission Line with new structures, conductor wire, and overhead ground wires. The project also involved improving access to structures, rerouting approximately one mile of the line away from a riparian area that required regular vegetation control, and an updated right-of-way grant from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and US Fish and Wildlife Service. The study area included federal, state, and private lands in California and Arizona. While the biological and cultural technical studies were conducted by other consultants, AZTEC incorporated these evaluations into the EA. AZTEC conducted a jurisdictional delineation of waters of the US at the Bill Williams National Wildlife Refuge and evaluated a potential wetland area in a prepared technical wetland determination report.

In conjunction with agency and tribal scoping, AZTEC conducted an outreach program to the public through an announcement in several local newspapers. In addition to project scoping, AZTEC carried out analysis for water resources, visual, land use, socioeconomics, noise, intentional destructive acts, energy policy, and fuels/fire management, and other resources. The Findings of No Significant Impact has since been provided by WAPA and BLM.