Communications Cable Replacement Phase 3 & 4


Central Arizona Water Conservation District
La Paz & Maricopa Counties, Arizona


AZTEC completed the design of Phases 3 and 4 of 5 phases for the Central Arizona Water Conservation District’s (CAWCD) communication cable replacement program. The project included 167 miles of fiber optic cable and complex design elements including very long fiber runs; complicated tie-ins to check buildings, pumping plans and structure; crossings, and new communication equipment installation, among other things. Delivered under CMAR, AZTEC worked closely with CAWCD and CMAR staff to provide an efficient design. Some of the accomplishments of this project include:

  • Eliminating the need for trenching by utilizing existing conduit that were used for the inner ducts
  • Maximized survey resources by determining the depth of all pipe overchute crossings during the field review
  • Helped to provide a more competitive guaranteed maximum price (GMP) package for the CMAR by getting consensus on the placement of the communication line
  • Utilizing a proprietary plug at 6-inch high-density polyethylene (HDPE) ends in lieu of grout plugs that provided for a better quality product at no additional cost to CAWCD
  • Prepared permit packages for the various jurisdictions which included the Arizona Department of Transportation, Maricopa County, and the railroad